Professional Carpet Installation

Properly installed carpet makes it look and last much longer. If your carpet is not installed properly by professionals the life of your carpet will most likely suffer. Your room may not look as good as well.
Coventry Carpets guarantees their carpet installation and takes pride in their work. Coventry is one of few carpet companies in Denver that actually do their own installations. In fact, most other retailers sub out their work. At Coventry our installation crews have over 30 years of carpet experience.
A proper installation technique for carpet installation would be to use a power stretcher, only a knee kicker would be adequate for putting on new stairs.
Remember, carpet is a textile, if seams are visible that does not mean it to a poor installation. seam tape and direct lighting are usually the reasons seam are more visible in some places verse others. Another good example of textile seaming would be clothing, take a quick glance at what your wearing, and you will notice seams typically far more than you do on carpet.
Proper ventilation after carpet installation helps to remove the smell you can get after the new carpet has been put down. Try and keep your windows open and fans flowing to provide proper ventilation for a couple of days.
Clean your carpet with a quality vacuum cleaner weekly, it will improve your indoor air quality and make your room look nice. Do some research on vacuums, Dyson vacuums are very hard on carpet, and can often leads to carpet looking ratty long before they should. Make sure to follow these tips:
- Dust first and then vacuum. Start your cleaning by dusting your blinds, windows and furniture and then vacuum this dust up while cleaning your carpet.
- Take your time and do it right hitting the entire room thoroughly including the corners where dirt and dust can build up.
- Empty or replace the vacuum bags when they are half to two thirds full.
- Hiring a professional to deep clean your carpet at least once a year will extend its life.
Coventry Flooring is the home of the lifetime installation guarantee! Give us a call today to get started on a new look for your home!